Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Vampires Essay - 1146 Words

Vampires Obsession. A persistent, disturbing preoccupation with an often-unreasonable idea, feeling, object or person; broadly: compelling motivation (Collegiate Dictionary). Many stories have been told of obsessed men and women who waste their lives on lost causes, calling them tragedies. But what if you were immortal? What if you were forever? Then your life would not be wasted, but instead a reason for living would become instinctive. And what if having an obsession, something criticized by mortal humans, was the only way to keep your sanity and appetite for life through eternity? When looking through the vampires eyes in film and literature, we see that the foremost vampires have an obsession, a calling that drives them. Without†¦show more content†¦We see the undead come to life, with powers that overwhelm the imagination. But when Mina decides to leave him to wed Jonathan Harker, he again turns into a monster, a shadow of his former self. The life seems to have drained out of h im. This proves that it was his love for Mina, his eternal infatuation with her that had kept him going through the ages. It is this obsession that forced him to become a vampire, and he then hoped that one day he would be reunited with his love, because he knew that she would not have been able to join him in heaven. And though he knew of the dangers that surrounded him, he risked everything to be with her, for he would have rather die than to lose her again. Love also drives Louis, the hero (or victim, depending on the point of view) of Interview with the Vampire. Louis was a sad person when Lestat turned him into a vampire; his sole reason for living was his own guilt and misery. He did not even allow himself the ultimate pleasure a vampire has and needs, human blood. He feeds off rats and other animals, and wanders the street aimlessly, lost. As he puts it after Lestat tells him that there is no hell, But there was a hell, and no matter where we moved to, I was in it. But when Lestat gives him an undead companion, a young girl named Claudia, his whole world is turned upside down. He has a new thirst forShow MoreRelatedVampires : The Mystery Of Vampires970 Words   |  4 PagesVampires There have been stories in the magazines, newspapers and on television about people who claim to be vampires and are practicing the vampire culture. So the question here is, are these people who claim to be vampires truly vampires; and if so, are they a threat to the society? The purpose of this essay is to investigate and find out more about vampires, their origin, the different types, their beliefs and practices, and if they pose a safety threat. There are abundance of movies, books andRead MoreVampires Are The Reason Behind The Vampire1749 Words   |  7 Pagesblood. This creature is known as the vampire (Scavone 11). 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